Wingspan Fan Art Pack
Wingspan Fan Art Pack
Over 300 Wingspan fans submitted illustrations of their favorite birds in the game for the Wingspan Fan Art Challenge, and we selected 255 illustrations in a variety of styles. The end result is a large pack of bird cards–mechanically identical to their counterparts in Wingspan and the Europe, Oceania, and Asia expansions–to add a special burst of flavor to tabletops worldwide.
For every fan art card pack we make, Stonemaier Games will donate $1 to one of several bird-related charities (e.g., for Wingspan Asia, we donated $13,130 equally among BirdLife International, Animals Asia, Flight, Maui Forest Bird Recovery Project, and the International Crane Foundation. Other considerations are the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, the American Bird Conservancy, The Humane League, and the John Hopkins University Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing.
We’re elated by the opportunity to celebrate Wingspan fan creativity in this way! Each selected artist receives a free fan art pack and credit on their card, and then retain full ownership of their art.
The box for the cards is designed both for storage and recyclability; it will fit in the bottom layer of the Nesting Box.